Monday, January 18, 2010

a semester in reflection

Over the last semester we have scratched the surface of topics ranging from race to social standing to ego centrism. This class has most definitely opened my mind to many different aspects of human nature. Many common sense reasons for poverty and racial discrimination that I once believed to be true I now view as falsely interpreted. The main positive aspect I can confidently say about this class was that it showed me the thousands of job opportunities that are available to people that understand sociology and can use it to exploit the business world. This class has also given me a new view on other cultures and how to go about interacting with them. In addition blogging about the subjects that we discussed allowed me to do a great deal of self reflection and I understand my personal core beliefs better now than I did going into this class on the first day.  

I believe the lessons that were taught and discussed over the past semester are vital to the curriculum of a modern student if there is ever to be head way in the subjects of race and poverty. I also believe that these lessons should be taught to every student not just the few that decided to take this class. Of the lessons that were taught in this class I believe the most important of them would be the lesson that we as humans base ourselves completely upon society and as future elders of our society we need to make sure that we create a society that promotes the productive ideas so that future generations will profit. This class has most definitely effected my life and hopefully I will be able to use them in the future. 

1 comment:

  1. It's always gratifying for a teacher to hear that something they did will affect students' lives in a positive way. I am sure that you will be able to apply your expanded understanding to many things in your future, no matter how you decide to make your mark in the world.
